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All About Me

Here’s a bit about me…

I am a 20 something year old gal (soon to be 30 this year!) who is trying to reach for the stars and trying to live everyday to the fullest. I became interested in living a healthy lifestyle after my gynecologist told me I gained too much weight since the last time I was in to visit her. I decided after her comment, I needed to get up and do something to get back in shape. I played sports throughout high school but once I hit college, things went down-hill in the exercise department.

After college, I started running for just a few minutes each day. I was discouraged pretty easily because it was such hard work. After about a year of truly dedicating myself to exercise, I started to see results. I wasn’t as short of breath, my legs didn’t throb, and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have continued to run, bike, swim, practice yoga and do other activities to keep my mind, body, and soul in check! It’s been a long road but hey, nothing is easy!

As far as a career goes, I was in education for about 5 years after college. I taught the little ones up to middle schoolers. Each day I would come home from school, I still wouldn’t feel “filled up.” I knew something was missing and as I thought about it more, it was the interaction with adults. I wanted that involvement and interaction with adults, but unfortunately as a teacher, it was limited. I took a giant leap of faith one day and left education. I heard things like, “Well what else are you going to do? You seem like the perfect teacher! Are you sure you want to do this, you went to school for education?” After a lot of questions from others and a thousand running through my mind, I knew this was it. I had to do it. After I left education, I worked part-time waitressing (ugh) and part-time at the bakery where I work now. Little by little I learned the ropes of the job and the company and I could see myself in the future being a full-time employee. Now, I work for the bakery full-time and will be blessed with having an opportunity to work from home come the new year of 2013! I’m super excited to take on a new position and can’t wait to dip into big adventures.

As I work full-time, I still try to dedicate myself to the blog and keep all you befilledup readers with some fun and different recipes, with some running and exercise and with some overall posts that reflect me! I hope you continue to read my blog and enjoy the flat roads and the extreme hills of what fills me up: exercising, eating healthy, figuring out a career path, and much, much more. ENJOY!

4 responses »

  1. you are to cool.. saw the pictures of ML’s and pike st market… fun stuff

  2. Because I really like your blog, I nominated you for the ‘One Lovely Blog Award’. You can see it here:

    Suz x


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