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Tag Archives: dessert

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

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If you are looking for a new chocolate chip cookie recipe to make fast and to make for your vegan family member, friend, coworker or even someone who doesn’t care if they are vegan, now is your time! I found this recipe while reading a blog and forgive me because I just happened to stumble upon it and don’t remember the name of the blog. I was on foodgawker and clicked on a picture that took me to then another site and that’s where I found this gem of a recipe. I’m sure you all have done this where you go onto the Internet to look up one thing and expect it to take a few minutes and by the time it’s said and done you have been looking at blogs, websites, Facebook and pinterest for the last hour. That’s my life story some days!

Back to the cookies…these vegan cookies are fantastic and you would have no idea they didn’t have butter, eggs or milk in them. They are that good. They also take 5 minutes to make and that’s just about the same time you would need to unroll and cut one of those cookie tubes from the grocery store. Also, most of these ingredients you have in your pantry! Now, what are you waiting for?! Especially since, who doesn’t love a chewy on the inside, crunchy on the outside chocolate chip cookie to dip into some vanilla almond milk?

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