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Tag Archives: dinner

Spinach & Sausage Eggplant Flats

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I envisioned making this dinner using zucchini, but for some reason I thought I had some, but I was wrong! The next thing that came to mind was the eggplant that was sitting on the refrigerator shelf for the last week. It was a must that I used it or it would be seeing the trashcan very shortly. The eggplants were perfect boats to hold the spinach and sausage. Let’s not forget the sprinkle of mozzarella cheese and chopped walnuts that added the finishing touches to this dinner. The eggplant boats would be easy to use as the base and layer with whatever ingredients you like. I could see using beans, grains, veggies, cheese.  Next time around, I will try some other combinations and maybe even use zucchini if I have it! I will let you know if it was just as good as this recipe…


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Prosciutto & Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken

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I think I can say overall, I am always looking to spice up my chicken recipes. Chicken can become just so boring especially if it’s just “grilled.”  Yeah you can throw it on top of a salad or use it for taco meat, but grilled chicken to me is like plain vanilla ice cream. Why get plain vanilla when there are a ton of other choices? Well, why grill plain chicken when there are so many things you can stuff inside it? If you are in the market for a new chicken recipe, get ready. This is a great chicken recipe that will make you go “ahhh.” Are you excited?! Haha, who knew you could get excited over chicken recipes, but I am…


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Sausage & Spinach Sweet Potatoes

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Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and one that was filled with all the things you are thankful for this year. Our Thanksgiving consisted of two meals and lots of desserts. I did great, as far as indulging goes, at our first stop – my in-laws, but after that when we went to my family’s house, it was just down hill in the eating department. My pants grew tighter and tighter and I swear it’s Sunday and they are still tight. I guess I didn’t follow my rule of thumb: everything in moderation. Oops!

Well, what was your favorite food this Thanksgiving?

I love corn casserole, the one that tastes like a really moist corn bread. It is super delicious and makes killer leftovers. After we ate our leftovers, I finally made a well balanced little meal. These sweet potatoes surely remind me of fall with the colors and were a perfect combination of vegetables, carbs and protein. Just what I needed as a nice cleanse from the holiday sugar rush.

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