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Tag Archives: inspirations

Discover Yourself

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These last few weeks, well even months/year, I have been on a road of trying to figure out things I like to do in life. I realized that the partying stage of my life was coming to an end…you can only have a hangover, eat greasy food, and sleep all day for a while. Then, it gets old. I think it is so important in life to have a hobby. A hobby helps to define you and helps you to enjoy life. I luckily have a few hobbies that I love to do: running and exercising, taking pictures, blogging and even doggies. Yes, if you knew me a few years ago, you would have never said you could see me as a dog person. I couldn’t even see myself as one. I was either frightened of them, jumping on cars as I see them approaching me from a backyard, or just had no interest in them at all. Well, times have definitely changed.

So as I travel through the last year of my life, these are the things I have discovered about myself..

I love running not because of losing weight but because of how it empowers me and makes me feel strong.

I enjoy taking pictures and seeing just what awesome things you can capture in this world.
 I love blogging because to me it’s like freedom.
I have a new love for dogs and wish to spread the word about how amazing pit bulls can be if treated right – just as any dog.

To go a little more in-depth about my passions, first of all I have been running since 2005. After college, I took on this new hobby and never let go. I started running because I wanted to lose weight. It slowly turned into a hobby instead of a must-do kinda thing. Don’t get me wrong, there are days where I really need to phone-a-friend to help encourage me to go, but overall, running and I are tight. As for taking pictures, wow…when I started this blog at the end of June a year ago, I had a regular ol’ digital camera. I didn’t have the first clue about DSLR cameras and just how magical they are. I have learned so much and still want to learn much more, but my Canon EOS Rebel T3 is incredible. Moving on to blogging…I began reading a few healthy living blogs 2 years ago and for a full year pondered over creating my own. I continued to think, I can’t do that. Finally, I got the courage to start writing my own blog and it was the best decision I have made in a long time, besides marrying Joe 🙂 I love writing and now realize how great it feels to express myself. Finally, my new-found love for dogs is quite profound. Ever since Joe and I brought Athena into our lives, I have a whole new prospective on dogs. I don’t see them as those stinky, drooling, intimidating four-legged creatures as I used to. I now see them as just another individual who wants to be loved. I also will continue to be an advocate for pit bulls. As I walk through our neighborhood, I encourage everyone to pet Athena. I talk about her docile ways and her sweet temperament with anyone who will listen. I encourage children to pet her and reassure their parents she won’t take their tiny pinky finger off with her wide tongue. At some point in my life, I would love to work with pit bull rescues and help those pits that are in need of love, care and a good home. Hopefully that will come in my future!

I know the discovery of myself will continue to grow until I am a lil old lady. I’m excited to see what discoveries I will make about myself as time goes on. I know my hobbies and passions will change and that’s exciting to me. So, those are my hobbies that have developed over the last year. How about yours? Are you still discovering yourself? What is it you feel passionate about?

little note for you

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Happy Saturday to you! Hope it feels like spring in your neck of the woods and you are enjoying

I picked up Yogi Raspberry Passion Perfect Energy tea this morning at the store. I have used all different brands of tea and to be honest, I don’t have a favorite. I go back and forth between just regular brewed iced tea and then sometimes I throw a curve ball and brew the regular tea with two bags of something flavored. The last few months have been blueberry tea and now raspberry. When I opened up the package this is what fell out…

Live for something higher, bigger and better than you.

I thought, what an awesome idea! I love having a motivational, little note attached to my tea bag. The note made me think for a minute, take a deep breath, and know today was going to be a good day. Thank you Yogi tea for making my Saturday all the better with your little note.